
You can invite other users to view your Joiin reports and control user permissions through the User Management tab on the Settings menu.  To access this page click on the Settings menu at the top right (cog icon) and select the User Management tab (you must have ADMIN access to access the User Management menu item).  

You will see a lit of users and their permissions.  The list of roles and associated permissions can be found in the User Roles section below. 

NOTE If you have Multi-Client enabled users invited through the User Management page will only have access to the current Client. 

To invite a new user

  • Select User Management from the Account menu at top right.
  • Click on the Add User button.
  • Enter the Name and Email Address of the user you wish to invite.
  • Select the desired role - READ, WRITE or ADMIN.
  • Click Add User.

An email will be sent to the user inviting them to Joiin.  The email includes a link for the user to click on.  When they click on the link they will be taken to a page where they enter a new password and accept the invitation.  Once they've done that they can then log into Joiin and they will be able to see the features you have given them access to.

If the user does not receive the invite email you can re-send it by clicking on the Resend link.

To change user permissions

You can change the permission each user has by simply clicking on the READ, WRITE or ADMIN buttons next to each user.  NOTE that the user may need to log off and back on again before the changes take effect.

To delete a user

  • Select User Management from the Account menu at top right.
  • Click on the Delete icon on the right next to the user you wish to delete.
  • Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

The user will be deleted and their access to view your reports will be revoked. Any reports or configuration the user created will be retained.

User Roles

This table describes the features available to each user role: READ, WRITE or ADMIN.

Run ReportsXXX
Create Custom Reports
Manage Companies
Manage Eliminations
Customise Exchange Rates
Change Reporting Configuration

Manage Users

Subscription & Billing


Access to Multiple Clients

If you have more than one Joiin account or have Multi-Client enabled then it is possible to invite the same user multiple times to each account/client.

If a user has access to more than one account/client, when they log in they will be presented with a list of clients to choose from:

Once logged in the currently client can be viewed by clicking on the Account menu at the top right: