The plan and billing section is where you can view details and make changes to your Joiin subscription.
Subscription Plan
The top section shows the details of the current subscription plan you are subscribed to along with the other plan options. You can subscribe to a plan or change your plan by clicking on one of the plan options.
If you are signing up for the first time you will be taken to another page to enter your credit/debit card details. You will be charged for the first monthly/yearly instalment and thereafter charged each month/year automatically.
If you change your plan, on the next instalment you will be charged an amount based on the pro-rated adjustment.
Changing Subscription Name (Multi-Client)
If you are using multi-client you can change the name on your subscription by clicking on the pencil icon next to the Subscription name. This will change the subscription name in Joiin and on any billing communications.
If you would like to update the name, address or invoice details of past invoices please email
The Billing section shows details of the debit/credit card on file and of the last invoice that was paid.
Updating Payment Card
You can update the Credit/Debit Card being used to pay for your subscription by clicking on the Update Payment Card button.
Changing the Subscription Owner
The subscription owner section shows the email of address of the subscription owner - this is the person who originally created the subscription. The subscription owner has full Admin capabilities and can also:
- View and update the subscription plan
- Receives emails from Joiin with important announcements and product information (unless they have opted out)
- Receives emails with invoices from our billing system
You can transfer the Subscription Owner by clicking on the Transfer Owner button. You can then select which user to transfer the ownership to.
NOTE: the user being transferred to must have Admin privileges or be a Team member if using multi-client.
Cancelling a Subscription
You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking on the Cancel Subscription button at the bottom of the page. When you cancel your subscription you will not be charged again - you can continue to use Joiin until the end of the current billing cycle, at which point your subscription will be cancelled and your data will be deleted.